
With a team of experienced coaches the club offers different courses for children and adults. If you have any questions, please contact us on

2024 / 2025 Courses will be held by semester from:
15 September - 16 February
23 February - 15 July



Kids Beginner

Age:  6-10
Duration:  1h
min Climbing grade:  none
Classes: Roxanne Mondays 17h00-18h00
Cynthia Thursdays 14h30-15h30


Kids Established

Age:  6-10
Duration:  1h30
min Climbing grade: 5a
Classes:  Cynthia Thursdays 15h30-17h00


Teens Beginner

Age:  10-18
Duration:  1h30
min Climbing grade:  none
Classes:  Cynthia Thursdays 17h00-18h30


Teens Established

Age:  10-18
Duration:  1h30
min Climbing grade:  5b
Classes:  Guillaume Tuesdays 16h30 - 18h00
Carole Saturdays 10h30 - 12h00


Teens Advanced

Age:  10-18
Duration:  2h
min Climbing grade:  6a
Classes:  David Tuesdays 18h00 - 20h00
Tommy Wednesdays 17h00 - 19h00



Age:  18+
Duration:  2h
min Climbing grade:  none
Classes: Thabita Wednesdays 19h00 - 21h00
 Carole Saturdays 08h00-10h00



Kids Beginner 160€*
All other classes 240€*


*Participents must have a membership (50€ p.p. or 90€ of D-Summit.
Classes promotion: For an additional 20.00€ per semester you can get unlimited access to the gym. Ask the coach for more information.


Registration for courses

Sign up below in the online webshop using your BETA Climbing account. IMPORTANT! Please sign up with the email address associated with your BETA Climbing account.

Please note that you can not create an account for a person under 18 years. If you want to create an account for your child, please make first your own account and at same time add your child within your account here.